Welcome to New Colliers Ltd., Renewable Power Specialists

New Colliers provides development, engineering and management consulting expertise to renewable power developers, operators and investors.

About Us

Project Development Professionals

We at New Colliers bring full development cycle expertise to project development teams.  We bring extensive experience in site suitability and resource assessments, permitting and regulatory requirements, utility interconnection processes, engineering and construction.

Project Transaction Support

With increasing renewable power penetration a reality across North America, New Colliers realizes that their clients need guidance in selecting and appropriately developing or acquiring those projects that are most competitive, most technically feasible and most sustainable.  We support project financing and transaction initiatives for developers and lenders.

Operational Assessments

We have the experience, insight and judgment to support owners in identifying opportunities to optimize returns from operating assets.

Contact Us

Drop us a line!

New Colliers Ltd.

194 Stone Hedges Lane, Waverley, NS B2R 1H2

(902) 430-8571